Our 10 Most Popular Posts of the Month ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Check out our most popular posts of the month from Good Loc Day.


This ropetwist style by @mr_challenger slid in the number one spot receiving more than 10,000 likes and 148 comments was our most liked post of the month!

What we love about creating content for GOOD LOC DAY is the opportunity to shed a light on both new and seasoned locticians and loc lovers by featuringย  on our page and sharing to our more than 48,000 followers! Here are our top ten for the month from our Instagram from March 31-April 30, 2020.

2. @devontereese

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A look into @devontereese โ€˜s locs : Hello my name is Devonteโ€™ Reese, I am 28 years old and a North Carolina native. I have been locโ€™d since January 23, 2013; a little over 7 years. I have between 100-110 locs, I donโ€™t know the exact amount. I started my locs with braids and I maintain my hair using the palm roll method. I wash my locs every 3-4 weeks and retwist every other month (sometimes longer, I donโ€™t mind the frizz). I oil my hair 1-2 times a week using @goldilocsnc signature oils. I spritz my hair lightly with water almost daily. ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿพ: @devontereese ๐Ÿ”’: #goodlocday ๐Ÿ’ซ: #locinspiration ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ: #locappreciation ๐ŸŒฑ: #longlocs

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3. @crimsoncoatedcaramel


4. @imgoldielocs


5. @lala_carterย 


6. @gxldaya


7. Loc Talk: How did you start your locs?


8. @shanna_pratt





10. @hashimalaford & @johnettalafond

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