2022 Locgicians: @shastaloccarellc 🌟
Continuing our Locgician series, where we discuss loc tips with loc stylist @dreadsbyshai.
Name: My name is Shasta 👑🌴(@shastaloccarellc)
Where are you located?
*I’m located in Miami ,Fl. ☀️
How can our followers find you?
- Ig : Buisness: @ShastaLocCarellc
- Personal : @ShastaVibess
Followers: 30.1K
Tell us a little about yourself:
I'm a Haitian, American Florida Girl. Born and raised in the city of Miami. I'm a full time hairstylist and mother of 2. I specialize in Loc Care and Free-form maintenance.
Best known for:
Blessing roots and transforming crowns. I do it all . Starter locs, retwist, loc repair, loc Maintenance, loc combinations, etc.
The trendiest loc style in your city:
The trendiest loc style in my city hands-down is THICK LOCS. Or also known as WICKS, BONKS, TRUNKS, CONGOS, DUKES
Tips for newbies:
When you strive to become better than you are, everything around you becomes better too. No matter how hard the climb is. You gotta keep going to keep growing.
Most viral post:
My most viral post is a video of me transforming a clients crown, who was free forming for about seven years he never had a retwist or maintenance. I honestly believe that the video went viral because it tells a story. I don’t know what this client went through but obviously he wanted change.
How social media changed my life?
Social media has changed my life in many different aspects. When I first started doing hair I was working out of my living room with only 500-1000 followers and I wasn't on social media as much. I would post here and there but not often. When I realized the feedback I was getting I was like okayyyy I see they like what I'm posting so I'll start posting more. A few months went by and I started getting offers to work in different shops. After getting settled into a shop I took social media a lot more serious. I started editing my videos better, making my content better and the better I got with my content the more my platform grew. Overall I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for social media. And I'm very grateful for it
What I love most about being a loc stylist?
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head-and it grows hair as a means to attract cosmic energy. Being a loc stylist is beyond just a job, or profession for me. It’s a lifestyle! Every day is an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. I love being a loc stylist because the lifestyle brings me closer to my roots. To me Locs represents devotion to purity and wisdom. I have always loved being in the company of others and helping them become the best versions of themselves.
The first time I was featured on GOOD LOC DAY I was….
So happy and excited to see the many people who acknowledge and appreciate my work. I Was in the shop that day working on a client and one of my good friends sent me a screenshot of one of my videos that was shared . About three days later it went viral.
Any shoutouts?
I would like to give a special shout out to all of my clients . If it wasn’t for them I would not be doing what I’m doing . Also shout out to my day 1’s and family , who supports and motivates me everyday. Big ups to my partner @shyysbeauty for getting me out my comfort zone two years ago and into a salon where I can work at my fullest potential . I give thanks to my mother for giving me life she is my motivation to do better in life.
Thank you, @shastaloccarellc
We appreciate you for taking time out of your busy schedule.