Our Most Popular Instagram Posts Of 2019 🎉
From loc transformations to loc buns, check out our list to see which posts were the most liked of 2019 on @goodlocday's Instagram.
1. Our most popular post! 16.5K and 139 comments. @the.jade.dragon spent 42 weeks at number one during 2019.
You want to know makes GOOD LOC DAY feel like 2019 was the best year ever? 10,000 amazing pictures and videos hashtag #GOODLOCDAY on Instagram!
Our more than 32,000 followers consistently intrigue with loc inspirational before and afters, creative locstyles, and tutorials. Here's a glance back at 10 of our most liked posts of 2019.
2. @les_pionniers
3. @aboutalaysia
4. @aieshatae
5. @lux_n_locs
6. @akanundrum (Spotted at @protectthepuff)
7. @mr.erickcedeno
8. @jahlocsofficial
9. @willowsmith
10. @bellalocs